Lead Dance, led by Thomas Blackbird (Cherokee) -- Lead Dance, led by Chris White (Shawnee/Delaware) -- Lead Dance, led by Monty Rains (Cherokee) -- Lead Dance, led by Steve Kinder (Peoria) -- Lead Dance, led by Robert Sumpka (Creek-Cherokee) -- Lead Dance, led by 'Bun' Urguhart (White, raised with Yuchis) -- Lead Dance, led by Paul Dunberg (?name unclear, tribe unknown) -- Lead Dance, led by John Blackbird (Cherokee) -- Background conversation -- Lead Dance, led by Mose White Eagle (Seneca-Cayuga); Recorded at Seneca-Cayuga Ceremonial Ground, Cowskin River, Ottawa County, Oklahoma, August 15, 1974. Hosts: Seneca-Cayuga Ceremonial Organization (Bob White, Chief and Speaker). Singers: Chris White (Shawnee/Delaware), leader; Bill Dick (Shawnee), Steve Dougherty (Shawnee), George Valier (Shawnee), Jay Blalock (Shawnee). No head staff was appointed, as this dance is a mini sequel or adjunct to the Green Corn Ceremony.; This recording has been designated as potentially culturally sensitive or private. Reproduction and remote access is restricted. Please consult the Curator of Native American Materials for more information.